Donnerstag, 3. Juli 2014

The E-Cigarette-Lie

Watching the daily bashing (it definatly IS bashing! Fact!) of the mainstream media against the E-Cigarettes forced me to write this post. All this "its dangerous" here and "unknown risks" there really made me angry. It`s not that I don't know that the media always tries to manipulate and control...the problem is I am using one of these E-cigarettes too and I start to get tired of these daily discussions with people who want to tell me how bad it is for me without even knowing a single fact about how E-Cigs work and what happens with the liquid they contain. They always just repeat what they hear on TV or read in the newspapers.

I tell you something: They lie! They trie to "make your oppinion". Because with E-Cigs you can consume your nicotine in a much cheaper way and the tobacco lobby is afraid of their money! You may think this sounds like a conspiracy theory but try to be totally honest: Its ALL about the money these days!

I was a smoker and changed to E-Cigs about 1 year ago so I know what I am talking about.
I had:
-monthly costs for cigarettes: about 60-70 EUR
-monthly costs with E-Cigs: about 5 EUR

Saved: 55-65 EUR (which is about 90%!!!! See what I mean? Thats the money the tobacco lobby doesn't get! So they don't want all smokers to change to E-Cigarettes and they just try to make you think its dangerous)

Furthermore (besides the money-fact):

It`s steam! Not Smoke! All who were a little bit attentive during school may know that a flame/fire/glow is the result of a chemical reaction. And Chemical reactions can create unwanted chemical by-products. And as far is I know burning tobacco produces between 2000-4000 of these. Google it and research a little! Steam is just a liquid that changed its aggregate state. The dangerous substance is still only the nicotine!

But the media never speaks about theses possible 4000 chemical substances of which the side effects of the bigger part are completly unknown. But hey, tell me its dangerous to inhalate steam which contains liquid of nicotine, glycerine (which you find in EVERY CLUB WITH A FOG MACHINE), water and flavours which are also used by the food industry. I am sure you are right /sarcasm

But to stay on the factual side: I am not saying E-Smoking is healthy. That also is a lie. The steam still contains nicotine which is one of the strongest neurotoxins in the world. The healthiest way to live is to NOT SMOKE CIGARETTES NOR E-CIGS. But its still much more harmless than smoking real cigarettes.

Another point, I don't know if this is true: I heard of people in the USA who bought an E-Cigarette for their children: You are fucking idiots. How in the world could you stupid dumbfucks even think about getting a child. If you don't have a problem that your children get nicotine addicted...fine...but handle it the same way you would do it with cigarettes: Wait until they are old enough. Don't make them addicted before they are old enough to understand what this does to their body. Furthermore their body is still in development and within this time all kind of poinsons (nicotine/alcohol, just to name the legal ones) have a much worse effect than on an adult whose body is fully developed.

Ok. Just wanted to make things a little more clear!

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